Intza: lubrication systems for the automation sector.
The automation sector is known for its quality and reliability demands. Since decades ago, Intza Lubrication Systems is present in several machines dedicated to this sector (presses, ma lines of automotive plants.
Specialized in transporters, tracks, and dosing.
Intza Lubrication Systems manufactures and installs several specific solutions:
1. Chain and transporters lubrication, the chains transporting the car or parts of the same in assembly process need careful lubrication. Intza Lubrication Systems has installed lubrication systems by oil spray even in areas where temperatures of 210 ºC.
2. Track or seventh robot axle. Industrials robots assembled on rails or tracks are in continuous movement and are much better when the skid and chain are correctly lubricated. Intza Lubrication Systems centralized lubrication systems in diverse production areas like body welding or assembly.
3. Grease dosing in assembly points. The grease dosing automation in small, controlled quantities is a guarantee of correct application.